Learning Outside the Classroom Yearbook

A unique annual guide and an essential reference full of great ideas and expert advice for school trips

Available in print and as an online digital edition, the LOtC Yearbook looks at what schools need to consider, where offers the best outcomes, how to choose the right providers, and tips on embedding learning back in the classroom.

From the team at School Travel Organiser and published each autumn it is an essential tool used throughout the year by schools, so make sure what you offer is in front of those looking to plan and book. From a great choice of advertising options and sponsored content packages utilising our expert team, this is a marketing opportunity you cannot afford to miss.

Learning Outside the Classroom Yearbook
Students orienteering
Child wall climbing
Students orienteering

The Learning Outside the Classroom Yearbook appeals to a range of teachers and educational visits coordinators, whether they are starting to think about the benefits of school trips and residentials for the first time, or are a seasoned pro. It’s now firmly established as the go-to publication for school staff looking to plan and manage off-site visits with handy checklists, procedures and legal responsibilities.

We all know that school trips can be life-changing and impact a child’s learning, personal development, and relationship building in ways not possible in a classroom environment. With the Learning Outside the Classroom Yearbook, readers are seeking places to go and providers to rely on. Talk to our team about how you can use it to deliver more bookings and more business.

Teenagers outdoors
Children outdoors
Teenage girls with notepads
Children's workshop
Teenage girls with notepads

Learning Away expert Peter Carne, OBE:

“The Yearbook is a wonderful resource and great read for all those planning school visits. It’s full of straightforward advice, case studies and inspirational ideas written by those with of experience of delivering high quality visits and residentials for pupils of all ages to a wide range of destinations. Most importantly, many of the features have been written by teachers themselves, sharing their expertise, practical advice and experience.”

Digital edition sponsorship

The LOtC Yearbook is also available to readers in digital format via schooltravelorganiser.com/lotcyearbook.
And with ‘Article View’ it offers a great reading experience across desktop, tablet and mobile.

Article view in the LOtC Yearbook digital edition

The digital yearbook sponsorship package offers advertisers the opportunity to promote their branding in print and online and allows flexibility to incorporate video or soundtrack to their advert. Get all this with digital edition sponsorship:

Splash pop-up

Splash pop-up on the digital edition load including logo and web details:

LOtC Yearbook digital edition sponsorship

Page Zero Advert

Page Zero advert opposite the front cover with link to your website, which is viewable on desktop and on mobile when in landscape view.

Page Zero on the LOtC Yearbook digital edition

Credit on contents page

Credit in the print edition with logo and web address:

LOtC Yearbook digital edition sponsor DPS

New Issue Alert credit 

Credit in the New Issue Alert email including logo, contact details and web address:

LOtC Yearbook New Issue Alert sponsorship

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+44(0) 1908 613323