The ‘School’s Out’ e-newsletter

What do you get?
Delivered to approximately 1,000 recipients fortnightly (except for the summer and Christmas holiday period), our e-newsletter is required reading for teachers who organise school trips and holidays.
At low cost, your message can be included through high-impact, yet complementary advertisement spots with bookings available on a per calendar month basis.
An example of the ‘School’s Out’ newsletter can be seen here. There are four banner positions available.
Every edition of the e-newsletter is full of the latest news and features, as picked by the editor, covering trips and ideas for KS1 all the way to KS5.
Each desktop advert space is 590w x 90h pixels & each mobile advert is 325w x 130h pixels.
Artwork should be supplied at double the size as a static GIF or JPEG file (see specs for further details). The advert can click-through to the website of your choice. It’s another great way of reaching school teachers from School Travel Organiser magazine and a great, low-cost addition to your marketing mix.
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